2 Corinthians 10:8-10

Verse 8. For though I should boast, etc. If I should make even higher claims than I have done to a Divine commission. I could urge higher evidence than I have done that I am sent by the Lord Jesus.

Of our authority. Of my authority as an apostle, my power to administer discipline, and to direct the affairs of the church.

Which the Lord hath given us for edification. A power primarily conferred to build up his people and save them, and not to destroy.

I should not be ashamed. It would be founded on good evidence, and sustained by the nature of my commission. I should also have no occasion to be ashamed of the manner in which it has been exercised --a power that has in fact been employed in extending religion and edifying the church, and not in originating and sustaining measures fitted to destroy the soul.

(*) "boast" "glory" (b) "authority" 2Cor 13:2,3 (c) "and not for your destruction" 2Cor 13:8
Verse 9. That I may not seem, etc. The meaning of this verse seems to be this: "I say that I might boast more of my power in order that I may not appear disposed to terrify you with my letters merely. I do not threaten more than I can perform. I have it in my power to execute all that I have threatened,, and to strike an awe not only by my letters, but by the infliction of extraordinary miraculous punishments. And if I should boast that I had done this, and could do it again, I should have no reason to be ashamed. It would not be vain empty boasting; not boasting which is not well-founded." Verse 10. For his letters. The letters which he has sent to the church when absent. Reference is had here probably to the first epistle to the Corinthians. They might also have seen some of Paul's other epistles, and been so well acquainted with them as to be able to make the general remark that he had the power of writing in an authoritative and impressive manner.

Say they. Marg., Saith he. Gr., (φησι) in the singular. This seems to have referred to some one person who had uttered the words-- perhaps some one who was the principal leader of the faction opposed to Paul.

Are weighty and powerful. Tindal renders this, "sore and strong." The Greek is, "heavy and strong," (βαρειαικαιισχυραι). The sense is, that his letters were energetic and powerful. They abounded with strong argument, manly appeals, and impressive reproof. This even his enemies were compelled to admit, and this no one can deny who ever read them. Paul's letters comprise a considerable portion of the New Testament; and some of the most important doctrines of the New Testament are those which are advocated and enforced by him; and his letters have done more to give shape to the theological doctrines of the Christian world than any other cause whatever. He wrote fourteen epistles to churches and individuals on various occasions and on a great variety of topics; and his letters soon rose into very high repute among even the inspired ministers of the New Testament, 2Pet 3:15,16, and were regarded as inculcating the most important doctrines of religion. The general characteristics of Paul's letters are:

(1.) They are strongly argumentative. See especially the epistles to the Romans and the Hebrews.

(2.) They are distinguished for boldness and rigour of style.

(3.) They are written under great energy of feeling and of thought--a rapid and impetuous torrent that bears him forcibly along.

(4.) They abound more than most other writings in parentheses, and the sentences are often involved and obscure.

(5.) They often evince rapid transitions and departures from the regular current of thought. A thought strikes him suddenly, and he pauses to illustrate it, and dwells upon it long, before he returns to the main subject. The consequence is, that it is often difficult to follow him.

(6.) They are powerful in reproof--abounding with strokes of great boldness of denunciation, and also with specimens of most withering sarcasm and most delicate irony.

(7.) They abound in expressions of great tenderness and pathos. Nowhere can be found expressions of a heart more tender and affectionate than in the writings of Paul.

(8.) They dwell much on great and profound doctrines, and on the application of the principles of Christianity to the various duties of life.

(9.) They abound with references to the Saviour. He illustrates everything by his life, his example, his death, his resurrection. It is not wonderful that letters composed on such subjects and in such a manner, by an inspired man, produced a deep impression on the Christian world; nor that they should be regarded now as among the most important and valuable portions of the Bible. Take away Paul's letters, and what a chasm would be made in the New Testament! What a chasm in the religious opinions and in the consolations of the Christian world!

But his bodily presence. His personal appearance.

Is weak. Imbecile, feeble, (ασθενης,) a word often used to denote infirmity of body, sickness, disease, Mt 25.39,43,44; Lk 10:9; Acts 4:9, 5:15,16, 1Cor 11:30. Here it is to be observed that this is a mere charge which was brought-against him, and it is not of necessity to be supposed that it was true, though the presumption is that there was some foundation for it. It is supposed to refer to some bodily imperfections, and possibly to his diminutive stature. Chrysostom says that his stature was low, his body crooked, and his head bald. Lucian, in his Philopatris, says of him, Corpore erat parvo, contracto, incurvo, tricubitali--pobably an exaggerated description, perhaps a caricature, to denote one very diminutive, and having no advantages of personal appearance. According to Nicephorus, Paul "was a little man, crooked, and almost bent like a bow; with a pale countenance, long and wrinkled; a bald head; his eyes full of fire and benevolence; his beard long, thick, and interspersed with gray hairs, as was his head," etc. But there is no certain evidence of the truth of these representations. Nothing in the Bible would lead us to suppose that Paul was remarkably diminutive or deformed; and though there may be some foundation for the charge here alleged that his bodily presence was weak, yet we are to remember that this was the accusation of his enemies, and that it was doubtless greatly exaggerated. Nicephorus was a writer of the sixteenth century, and his statements are worthy of no regard. That Paul was eminently an eloquent man may be inferred from a great many considerations; some of which are,

(1.) his recorded discourses in the Acts of the Apostles, and the effect produced by them. No one can read his defence before Agrippa or Felix, and not be convinced that as an orator he deserves to be ranked among the most distinguished of ancient times. No one who reads the account in the Acts can believe that he had any remarkable impediment in his speech, or that he was remarkably deformed.

(2.) Such was somehow his grace and power as an orator that he was taken by the inhabitants of Lycaonia as Mercury, the god of eloquence, Acts 14:12. Assuredly the evidence here is, that Paul was not deformed.

(3.) It may be added, that Paul is mentioned by Longinus among the principal orators of antiquity. From these circumstances, there is no reason to believe that Paul was remarkably deficient in the qualifications requisite for an orator, or that he was in any way remarkably deformed.

And his speech contemptible. To be despised. Some suppose that he had an impediment in his speech. But conjecture here is vain and useless. We are to remember that this is a charge made by his adversaries, and that it was made by the fastidious Greeks, who professed to be great admirers of eloquence, but who in his time confided much more in the mere art of the rhetorician than in the power of thought, and in energetic appeals to the reason and conscience of men. Judged by their standard, it may be that Paul had not the graces in voice or manner, or in the knowledge of the Greek language, which they esteemed necessary in a finished orator; but judged by his power of thought, and his bold and manly defence of truth, and his energy of character and manner, and his power of impressing truth on mankind, he deserves, doubtless, to be ranked among the first orators of antiquity. No man has left the impress of his own mind on more other minds than Paul.

(1) "say they" "saith he"
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