2 Corinthians 11:31-33

Verse 31. The God and Father, etc. Paul was accustomed to make solemn appeals to God for the truth of what he said, especially when it was likely to be called in question. See 2Cor 11:10. Comp. Rom 9:1. The solemn appeal which he here makes to God is made in view of what he had just said of his sufferings, not of what follows--for there was nothing in the occurrence at Damascus that demanded so solemn an appeal to God. The reason of this asseveration is, probably, that the transactions to which he had referred were known to but few, and perhaps not all of them to even his best friends; that his trials and calamities had been so numerous and extraordinary that his enemies would say that they were improbable, and that all this had been the mere fruit of exaggeration; and as he had no witnesses to appeal to for the truth of what he said, he makes a solemn appeal to the ever-blessed God. This appeal is made with great reverence. It is not rash, or bold, and is by no means irreverent or profane, he appeals to God as the Father of the Redeemer whom he so much. venerated and loved, and as himself blessed for evermore. If all appeals to: God were made on as important occasions as this, and with the same profound veneration and reverence, such appeals would never be improper, and we should never be shocked, as we are often now, when men appeal to God. This passage proves that an appeal to God on great occasions is not improper; it proves also that it should be done with profound veneration.

(b) "God and Father" Gal 1:3 (c) "which is blessed" Rom 9:5 (d) "that I lie not" 1Thes 2:5
Verse 32. In Damascus. This circumstance is mentioned as an additional trial. It is evidently mentioned as an instance of peril which had escaped his recollection in the rapid account of his dangers enumerated in the previous verses. It is designed to show what imminent danger he was in, and how narrowly he escaped with his life. On the situation of Damascus, Acts 9:2. The transaction here referred to is also related by Luke, (Acts 9:24,25,) though without mentioning the name of the king, or referring to the fact that the governor kept the city with a garrison.

The governor. Greek, οεθναρχης, the ethnarch; properly a ruler of the people, a prefect, a ruler, a chief. Who he was is unknown, though he was evidently some officer under the king. It is not improbable that he was a Jew, or at any rate he was one who could be influenced by the Jews, and who was doubtless excited by the Jews to guard the city, and if possible to take Paul as a malefactor. Luke informs us (Acts 9:23,24) that the Jews took counsel against Paul to kill him, and that they watched the gates night and day to effect their object. They doubtless represented Paul as an apostate, and as aiming to overthrow their religion. He had come with an important commission to Damascus, and had failed to execute it; he had become the open friend of those whom he came to destroy; and they doubtless claimed of the civil authorities of Damascus that he should be given up and taken to Jerusalem for trial. It was not difficult, therefore, to secure the co-operation, of the governor of the city in the case, and there is no improbability in the statement.

Under Aretas the king. There were three kings of this name who are particularly mentioned by ancient writers. The first is mentioned in 2 Mac. v. 8, as the "king of the Arabians." He lived about one hundred and seventy years before Christ, and of course could not be the one referred to here. The second is mentioned in Josephus, Ant., b. xiii., chap. xv., & 2. He is first, mentioned as having reigned in Coelo-Syria, but as being called to the government of Damascus by those who dwelt there, on account of the hatred which they bore to Ptolemy Meneus. Whiston remarks in a note on Josephus, that this was the first king of the Arabians who took Damascus and reigned there, and that this name afterwards became common to such Arabian kings as reigned at Damascus and at Petra. See Josephus, Ant., b. xvi., chap. ix., . 4. Of course this king reigned some time before the transaction here referred to by Paul. A third king of this name, says Rosenmuller, is the one mentioned here. He was the father-in-law of Herod Antipas. He made war with his son-in-law Herod, because he had repudiated his daughter, the wife of Herod. This he had done in order to marry his brother Philip's wife. Mt 14:3. On this account, Aretas made war with Herod; and in order to resist him, Herod applied to Tiberius the Roman emperor for. aid. Vitellius was sent by Tiberius to subdue Aretas, and to bring him dead or alive to Rome. But before Vitellius had embarked in the enterprise, Tiberius died, and thus Aretas was saved from ruin. It is supposed that in this state of things, when thus waging war with Herod, he made an incursion to Syria and seized upon Damascus, where he was reigning when Paul went there; or if not reigning there personally, he had appointed an ethnarch or governor, who administered the affairs of the city in his place.

Kept the city, etc. Luke (Acts 9:24) says that they watched the gates day and. night to kill him. This was probably the Jews. Meantime the ethnarch guarded the city, to prevent his escape. The Jews would have killed him at once; the ethnarch wished to apprehend him and bring him to trial. In either case Paul had much to fear, and he therefore embraced the only way of escape.

With a garrison. The word which is used here in the original (φρουρεω) means simply to watch; to guard; to keep. Our translation would seem to imply that there was a body of men stationed in order to guard the city. The true idea is, that there were men who were appointed to guard the gates, of the city, and to keep watch lest he should escape them. Damascus was surrounded, as all ancient cities were, with high walls, and it did not occur to them that he could escape in any other way than by the gates.

(e) "the governor" Acts 9:24,25
Verse 33. And through a window. That is, through a little door or aperture in the wall; perhaps something like an embrasure, that might have been large enough to allow a man to pass through it. Luke says (Acts 9:25) that they let him down "by the wall." But there is no inconsistency. They doubtless first passed him through the embrasure or loop-hole in the wall, and then let him down gently by the side of it. Luke does not say it was over the top of the wall, but merely that he descended by the wall. It is not probable that an embrasure or opening would be near the bottom, and consequently there would be a considerable distance for him to descend by the side of the wall after he had passed through the window. Bloomfield, however, supposes that the phrase employed by Luke, and rendered "by the wall," means properly "through the wall." But I prefer the former interpretation.

In a basket. The word here used (σαργανη) means anything braided or twisted; hence a rope-basket, a net-work of cords, or a wicker hamper. It might have been such an one as was used for catching fish, or it might have been made for the occasion. The word used by Luke (Acts 9:25) is σπυρις-a word usually meaning a basket for storing grain, provisions, etc. Where Paul went immediately after he had escaped them, he does not here say. From Gal 1:17, it appears that he went into Arabia, where he spent some time, and then returned to Damascus, and after three years he went up to Jerusalem. It would not have been safe to have gone to Jerusalem at once; and he therefore waited for the passions of the Jews to have time to cool, before he ventured himself again in their hands.

Remarks on 2nd Corinthians Chapter 11

(1.) There may be circumstances, but they are rare, in which it may be proper to speak of our own attainments, and of our own doings, 2Cor 11:1. Boasting is in general nothing but folly--the fruit of pride; but there may be situations when to state what we have done may be necessary to the vindication of our own character, and may tend to honour God. Then we should do it--not to trumpet forth our own fame, but to glorify God, and to advance his cause. Occasions occur but rarely, however, in which it is proper to speak in this manner of ourselves.

(2.) The church should be pure. It is the bride of the Redeemer; the "Lamb's wife," 2Cor 11:2. It is soon to be presented to Christ, soon to be admitted to his presence. How holy should be that church which sustains such a relation! How anxious to be worthy to appear before the Son of God!

(3.) All the individual members of that church should be holy, 2Cor 11:2. They, as individuals, are soon to be presented in heaven as the fruit of the labours of the Son of God, and as entitled to his eternal love. How pure should be the lips that are soon to speak his praise in heaven! How pure the eyes that are soon to behold his glory! how holy the feet that are soon to tread his courts in the heavenly world!

(4.) There is great danger of being corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ, 2Cor 11:3. Satan desires to destroy us; and his great object is readily accomplished if he can seduce Christians from simple devotedness to the Redeemer; if he can secure corruption in doctrine or in the manner of worship, and can produce conformity in dress and in-the style of living to this world. Formerly, he excited persecution; but in that he was foiled. The more the church was persecuted, the more it grew. Then he changed his ground. What he could not do by persecution he sought to do by corrupting the church; and in this he has been by far more successful. This can be done slowly, but certainly; effectually, but without exciting suspicion. And it matters not to Satan whether the church is crippled by persecution, or its zeal destroyed by false doctrine and by conformity to the world. His aim is secured; and the power of the church destroyed. The form in which he now assails the church is by attempting to seduce it from simple and hearty attachment to the Saviour. And, oh, in how many instances is he successful!

(5.) Our religion has cost much suffering, We have in this chapter a detail of extraordinary trials and sorrows in establishing it; and we have reason to be thankful, in some degree, that the enemies of Paul made it necessary for him to boast in this manner. We have thus some most interesting details of facts of which otherwise we should have been ignorant; and we see that the life of Paul was a life of continual self-denial and toil. By sea and land; at home and abroad; among his own countrymen and strangers, he was subjected to continued privations and persecution. So it has been always in regard to the establishment of the gospel. It began its career in the sufferings of its great Author, and the foundation of the church was laid in his blood. It progressed amidst sufferings; for all the apostles, except John, it is supposed, were martyrs. It continued to advance amidst sufferings--for ten fiery persecutions raged throughout the Roman empire, and thousands died in consequence of their professed, attachment to the Saviour. It has been always propagated in heathen lands by self-denials and sacrifices, for the life of a missionary is that of sacrifice and toil. How many such men as David Brainerd and Henry Martyn have sacrificed their lives in order to extend the true religion around the world!

(6.) All that we enjoy is the fruit of the sufferings, toils, and sacrifices of others. We have not one Christian privilege or hope which has not cost the life of many a martyr. How thankful should we be to God that he was pleased to raise up men who would be willing thus to suffer, and that he sustained and kept them until their work was accomplished!

(7.) We may infer the sincerity of the men engaged in propagating the Christian religion. What had Paul to gain in the sorrows which he endured? Why did he not remain in his own land, and reap the honours which were then fully within his grasp? The answer is an easy one. It was because he believed that Christianity was true; and believing that, he believed that it was of importance to make it known to the world. Paul did not endure these sorrows, and encounter these perils, for the sake of pleasure, honour, or gain. No man who reads this chapter can doubt that he was sincere, and that he was an honest man.

(8.) The Christian religion is therefore true. Not because the first preachers were sincere--for the advocates of error are often sincere, and are willing to suffer much, or even to die as martyrs; but because this was a case when their sincerity proved the facts in regard to the truth of Christianity. It was not sincerity in regard to opinions merely, it was in regard to facts. They not only believed that the Messiah had come, and died, and risen again, but they saw him-- saw him when he lived; saw him die; saw him after he was risen; and it was in relation to these facts that they were sincere. But how could they be deceived here? Men may be deceived in their opinions; but how could John, e.g., be deceived in affirming that he was intimately acquainted--the bosom friend--with Jesus of Nazareth; that he saw him die; and that he had conversed with him after he had died? In this he could not be mistaken; and sooner than deny this, John would have spent his whole life in a cave in Patmos, or have died on the cross or at the stake. But if John saw all this, then the Christian religion is true.

(9.) We should be willing to suffer now. If Paul and the other apostles were willing to endure so much, why should not we be? If they were willing to deny themselves so much in order that the gospel should be spread among the nations, why should not we be? It is now just as important that it should be spread as it was then; and the church should be just as willing to sacrifice its comforts to make the gospel known as it was in the days of Paul. We may add, also, that if there was the same devotedness to Christ evinced by all Christians now which is described in this chapter; if there was the same zeal and self-denial, the time would not be far distant when the gospel would be spread all around the world. May the time soon come when all Christians shall have the same self-denial as Paul; and especially when all who enter the ministry shall be WILLING to forsake country and home, and to encounter peril in the city and the wilderness, on the sea and the land--to meet cold, and nakedness, hunger, thirst, persecution, and death in any way--in order that they may make known the name of the Saviour to a lost world!
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