2 Corinthians 6:5

Verse 5. In stripes. In this verse, Paul proceeds to specifications of what he had been called to endure. In the previous verse, he had spoken of his afflictions in general terms. In this expression, he refers to the fact that he and his fellow-labourers were scourged in the synagogues and cities as if they had been the worst of men. In 2Cor 11:23-25, Paul says that he had been scourged five times by the Jews, and had been thrice beaten with rods. 2Cor 11:23.

In imprisonments. As at Philippi, Acts 16:24, seq. It was no uncommon thing for the early preachers of Christianity to be imprisoned.

In tumults. Marg., Tossings to and fro. The Greek word (ακαταστασια) denotes, properly, instability; thence disorder, tumult, commotion, here it means they in the various tumults and commotions which were produced by the preaching of the gospel, Paul endeavoured to act as became a minister of God. Such tumults were excited at Corinth, (Acts 18:6;) at Philippi, (Acts 16:19,20;) at Lystra and Derbe, (Acts 14:19;) at Ephesus, (Acts 19;) and in various other places. The idea is, that if the ministers of religion are assailed by a lawless mob, they are to endeavour to show the spirit of Christ there, and to evince all patience, and to do good even in such a scene. Patience and the Christian spirit may often do more good in such scenes than much preaching would do elsewhere.

In labours. Referring probably to the labours of the ministry, and its incessant duties, and perhaps also to the labours which they performed for their own support, as it is well known that Paul, and probably also the other apostles, laboured often to support themselves.

In watchings. In wakefulness, or want of sleep. He probably refers to the fact that in these arduous duties, and in his travels, and in anxious cares for the churches, and for the advancement of religion, he was often deprived of his ordinary rest. He refers to this again in 2Cor 11:27.

In fastings. Referring probably not only to the somewhat frequent fasts to which he voluntarily submitted as acts of devotion, but also to the fact that in his travels, when abroad and among strangers, he was often destitute of food. To such trials, those who travelled as Paul did, among strangers, and without property, would be often compelled to submit; and such trials, almost without number, the religion which we now enjoy has cost. It at first cost the painful life, the toils, the anxieties, and the sufferings of the Redeemer; and it has been propagated and perpetuated amidst the deep sorrows, the sacrifices, and the tears and blood of those who have contributed to perpetuate it on earth. For such a religion--originated, extended, and preserved in such a manner--we can never express suitable gratitude to God. Such a religion we cannot over-estimate in value; and for the extension and perpetuity of such a religion, we also should be willing to practise unwearied self-denial.

(b) "in imprisonments" 2Cor 11:23 (2) "in tumults" "in tossings to and fro"
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