Acts 2:36

Verse 36. Therefore let all, etc. "Convinced by the prophecies, by our testimony, and by the remarkable scene exhibited on the day of Pentecost, let all be convinced that the true Messiah has come, and has been exalted to heaven."

House of Israel. The word house often means family; let all the family of Israel, i.e. all the nation of the Jews, know this.

Know assuredly. Be assured, or know without any hesitation, or possibility of mistake. This is the sum of his argument, or his discourse, he had established the points which he purposed to prove; and he now applies it to his hearers.

God hath made. God hath appointed, or constituted. See Acts 5:31.

That same Jesus. The very person who had suffered, He was raised with the same body, and had the same soul; was the same being, as distinguished from all others. So Christians, in the resurrection, will be the same beings that they were before they died.

Whom ye have crucified. See Acts 2:23. There was nothing better fitted to show them the guilt of having done this than the argument which Peter used. He showed them that God had sent him; that he was the Messiah; that God had showed his love for him, in raising him from the dead. The Son of God, and the hope of their nation, they had put to death, He was not an impostor; nor a man sowing sedition; nor a blasphemer; but the Messiah of God; and they had imbrued their hands in his blood. There is nothing better fitted to make sinners fear and tremble, than to show them that in rejecting Christ, they have rejected God; in refusing to serve him, they have refused to serve God. The crime of sinners has a double malignity, as committed against a kind and lovely Saviour, and against the God who loved him, and appointed him to save men. Comp. Acts 3:14,15.

Both Lord. The word lord properly denotes proprietor, master, or sovereign, here it means clearly that God had exalted him to be the King so long expected; and that he had given him dominion in the heavens; or, as we should say, ruler of all things. The extent of this dominion may be seen in Jn 17:2, Eph 1:20-22, etc. In the exercise of this office, he now rules in heaven and on earth; and will yet come to judge the world. This truth was particularly fitted to excite their fear. They had murdered their Sovereign, now shown to be raised from the dead, and entrusted with infinite power. They had reason, therefore, to fear that he would come forth in vengeance, and punish them for their crimes. Sinners, opposing the Saviour, are at war with their living and mighty Sovereign and Lord. He has all power; and it is not safe to contend against the Judge of the living and the dead.

And Christ. Messiah. They had thus crucified the hope of their nation; imbrued their hands in the blood of Him to whom the prophets had looked, and put to death that Holy One, the prospect of whose coming had sustained the most holy men of the world in affliction, and cheered them when they looked on to future years. That hope of their fathers had come, and they had put him to death; and it is no wonder that the consciousness of this, that a sense of guilt, and shame, and confusion, should overwhelm their minds, and lead them to ask in deep distress what they should do.

(h) "house of Israel" Zech 13:1 (i) "God hath made that" Acts 5:31 (k) "both Lord" Jn 3:35 (l) "and Christ" Ps 2:2,6-8

Acts 10:36

Verse 36. The word. That is, this is the word, or the doctrine. Few passages in the New Testament have perplexed critics more than this. It has been difficult to ascertain to what the term "word" in the accusative case (τονλογον) here refers. Our translation would lead us to suppose that it is synonymous with what is said in the following verse. But it should be remarked, that the term used there, and translated "word," as if it were a repetition of what is said here, is a different term. It is not λογον, but ρημα a word, a thing; not a doctrine. I understand the first term "word" to be an introduction of the doctrine which Peter set forth, and to be governed by a preposition understood. The whole passage may be thus expressed: Peter had been asked to teach Cornelius and his assembled friends. It was expected, of course, that he would instruct him in regard to the true doctrines of religion--the doctrine which had been communicated to the Jews. He commences, therefore, with a statement respecting the true doctrine of the Messiah, or the way of salvation which was now made known to the Jews. "In regard to the "word," or the doctrine which God sent to the children of Israel, proclaiming peace through Jesus Christ, (who is Lord of all,) you know already that which was done, or the transactions which occurred throughout all Judea, from Galilee, where he commenced after John had preached, that this was by Jesus Christ, since God had anointed him," etc. Peter here assumes that Cornelius had some knowledge of the principal events of the life of the Saviour, though it was obscure and imperfect; and his discourse professes only to state this more fully and clearly. He commences his discourse with stating the true doctrine on the subject, and explaining more perfectly that of which Cornelius had been only imperfectly informed.

Unto the children of Israel. To the Jews. The Messiah was promised to them, and spent his life among them.

Preaching. That is, proclaiming or announcing. God did this by Jesus Christ.

Peace. This word sometimes refers to the peace or union which was made between Jews and Gentiles, by breaking down the wall of division between them. But it is here used in a wider sense, to denote peace or reconciliation with God. He announced the way by which man might be reconciled to God, and might find peace.

He is Lord of all. That is, Jesus Christ. He is Sovereign, or Ruler, of both Jews and Gentiles; he is their Proprietor; and hence Peter saw the propriety of preaching the gospel to the Gentiles as well as Jews. See Jn 17:2, Mt 28:18, Eph 1:20-22. This does not necessarily imply divinity; but only that the Lord Jesus, as Mediator, had been constituted or appointed Lord over all nations. It is true, however, that this is a power which we cannot conceive to have been delegated to one that was not divine. Comp. Rom 9:5.

(b) "peace" Isa 57:19, Col 1:20 (c) "Lord of all" Ps 24:7-10, Mt 28:18, Rom 14:9, 1Cor 15:27, Eph 1:20-22 1Pet 3:22, Rev 17:14
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