Acts 2:43

Verse 43. And fear came. That is, there was great reverence or awe. The multitude had just before derided them, (Acts 2:13;) but so striking and manifest was the power of God on this occasion, that it silenced all clamours, and produced a general veneration and awe. The effect of a great work of God's grace is commonly to produce an unusual seriousness and solemnity in a community, even among those who are not convicted. It restrains, subdues, and silences opposition.

Every soul. Every person, or individual; that is, upon the people generally; not only on those who became Christians, but upon the multitudes who witnessed these things. All things were fitted to produce this fear: the recent crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth; the wonders that attended that event; the events of the day of Pentecost; and the miracles performed by the apostles, were all fitted to diffuse solemnity, and thought, and anxiety through the community.

Many wonders and signs. Acts 2:22. This was promised by the Saviour Mk 16:17. Some of the miracles which they wrought are specified in the following chapters.

(a) "many wonders and signs" Mk 16:17

Acts 5:12

Verse 12. And by the hands, etc. By the apostles. This verse should be read in connexion with Acts 5:15, to which it belongs.

Signs and wonders. Acts 2:43. Miracles. Acts 2:43.

With one accord. With one mind, or intention. Acts 1:14.

In Solomon's porch. Mt 21:12, Jn 10:23. They were doubtless there for the purpose of worship. It does not mean that they were there constantly, but at the regular periods of worship. Probably they had two designs in this; one was to join in the public worship of God in the usual manner with the people, for they did not design to leave the temple-service; the other was that they might have opportunity to preach to the people assembled there. In the presence of the great multitudes who came up to worship, they had an opportunity of making known the doctrines of Jesus, and of confirming them by miracles, the reality of which could not be denied, and which could not be resisted, as proofs that Jesus was the Messiah.

(b) "many signs" Acts 4:30, Rom 15:19, Heb 2:4 (*) "one accord" "consent"
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