Acts 9:16

Verse 16. For I will shew him, etc. This seems to be added to encourage Ananias. He had feared Saul. The Lord now informs him that Saul, hitherto his enemy, would ever after be his friend. He would not merely profess repentance, but would manifest the sincerity of it by encountering trials and reproaches for his sake. The prediction here was fully accomplished, Acts 20:23, 2Cor 11:23-27; 2Ti 1:11,12.

(i) "must suffer" Acts 20:23, 2Cor 11:23-27, 2Ti 1:11,12

Acts 20:23

Verse 23. Save that. Except that. This was all that he knew, that bonds and afflictions were to be his portion.

The Holy Ghost witnesseth. Either by direct revelation to him, or by the predictions of inspired men whom Paul might meet. An instance of the latter mode occurs in Acts 21:11. It is probable that the meaning here is, that the Holy Ghost had deeply impressed the mind of Paul by his direct influences, and by his experience in every city, that bonds and trials were to be his portion. Such had been his experience in every city where he had preached the gospel by the direction of the Holy Ghost, that he regarded it as his certain portion that he was thus to be afflicted.

In every city. In almost every city where Paul had been, he had been subjected to these trials. He had been persecuted, stoned, and scourged. So uniform was this, so constant had been his experience in this way, that he regarded it as his certain portion to be thus afflicted; and he approached Jerusalem, and every other city, with a confident expectation that such trials awaited him there.

Saying. In his experience; by direct revelation; and by the mouth of prophets, Acts 21:11. When Paul was called to the apostleship, it was predicted that he would suffer much, Acts 9:16.

Bonds. Chains. That I would be bound, as prisoners are who are confined.

Abide me. See the margin. They remain or wait for me; i.e., I must expect to suffer them.

(*) "Ghost" "Spirit" (g) "saying that bonds" Acts 9:16, 21:11 (1) "abide me" "wait for me"

Acts 21:11

Verse 11. He took Paul's girdle. The loose, flowing robes, or outer garments, which were worn in eastern countries, were bound by a girdle, or sash, around the body, when they ran, or laboured, or walked. Such a girdle was, therefore, an indispensable part of dress.

And bound his own hands and feet. As emblematic of what would be done by the Jews to Paul. It was common for the prophets to perform actions which were emblematic of the events which they predicted. The design was to make the prediction more forcible and impressive, by representing it to the eye. Thus Jeremiah was directed to bury his girdle by the Euphrates, to denote the approaching captivity of the Jews, Jer 13:4. Thus he was directed to make bands and yokes, and to put them around his neck, as a sign to Edom and Moab, etc., Jer 27:2,3. Thus the act of the potter was emblematic of the destruction that was coming upon the nation of the Jews, Jer 18:4. So Isaiah walked naked and barefoot as a sign of the captivity of Egypt and Ethiopia, Isa 20:3,4. Comp. Eze 4, Eze 12, etc.

So shall the Jews, etc. This was fulfilled. See Acts 21:33 and Acts 24.

Into the hands of the Gentiles. To be tried; for the Romans then had jurisdiction over Judea.

(&) "Ghost" "Spirit" (g) "so shall the Jews" Acts 21:33, 20:23
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