Hebrews 11:34

Verse 34. Quenched the violence of fire. As Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego did, Dan 3:15-26.

Escaped the edge of the sword. As Elijah did when he fled from Ahab, 1Kgs 19:3; as Elisha did when he was delivered from the king of Syria, 2Kgs 6:16; and as David did when he fled from Saul.

Out of weakness were made strong. Enabled to perform exploits beyond their natural strength, or raised up from a state of bodily infirmity, and invigorated for conflict. Such a case as that of Samson may be referred to, Jud 15:16, 16:26-30; or as that of Hezekiah, 2Kgs 20, who was restored from dangerous sickness by the immediate interposition of God. Isa 38.

Waxed valiant in fight. Became valiant. Like Joshua, Barak, David, etc. The books of Joshua, Judges, Samuel, and Kings, supply instances of this in abundance.

Turned to flight the armies of the aliens. The foreigners--as the invading Philistines, Ammonites, Moabites, Assyrians, etc.

(c) "fire" Dan 3:25 (d) "edge of the sword" 1Kgs 19:3, 2Kgs 6:16 (*) "aliens" "of other nations"
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