John 10:33

Verse 33. For blasphemy. Mt 9:3.

Makest thyself God. Jn 5:18. This shows how they understood what he had said.

Makest thyself. Dost claim to be God, or thy language implies this.

(g) "and because" Jn 5:16, 10:30, Ps 82:6, Rom 13:1

John 10:36

Verse 36. Whom the Father hath sanctified. The word sanctify with us means to make holy; but this is not its meaning here, for the Son of God was always holy. The original word means to set apart from a common to a sacred use; to devote to a sacred purpose, and to designate or consecrate to a holy office. This is the meaning here. God has consecrated or appointed his Son to be his Messenger or Messiah to mankind. See Ex 28:41, Lev 8:30.

And sent into the world. As the Messiah, an office far more exalted than that of magistrates. I am the Son of God. This the Jews evidently understood as the same as saying that he was equal with God. This expression he had often applied to himself. The meaning of this place may be thus expressed: "You charge me with blasphemy. The foundation of that

charge is the use of the name God, or the

Son of God, applied to myself; yet that same term

is applied in the Scriptures to magistrates. The use

of it there shows that it is right to apply it to

those who sustain important offices. And especially

you, Jews, ought not to attempt to found a charge

of blasphemy on the application of a word to the

Messiah which in your own Scriptures is applied to

all magistrates."

And we may remark here,

1st. That Jesus did not deny that he meant to apply the term to himself.

2nd. He did not deny that it was properly applied to him.

3rd. He did not deny that it implied that he was God. He affirmed only that they were inconsistent, and were not authorized to bring a charge of blasphemy for the application of the name to himself.

(h) "hath sanctified" Isa 11:2,3, 49:1,3, Jn 6:27
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