Luke 10:38-42

Verse 38. A certain village. Bethany. See Jn 11:1. It was on the eastern declivity of the Mount of Olives. Mt 21:1.

Received him. Received him kindly and hospitably. From this it would seem that Martha was properly the mistress of the house. Possibly she was a widow, and her brother Lazarus and younger sister Mary lived with her; and as she had the care of the household, this will also show why she was so diligently employed about domestic affairs.

(p) "Martha" Jn 11:1, 12:2,3
Verse 39. Sat at Jesus' feet. This was the ancient posture of disciples or learners. They sat at the feet of their teachers-- that is, beneath them, in a humble place. Hence Paul is represented as having been brought up at the feet of Gamaliel, Acts 22:3. When it is said that Mary sat at Jesus' feet, it means that she was a disciple of his; that she listened attentively to his instructions, and was anxious to learn his doctrine.

(q) "sat at Jesus' feet" Lk 8:35, Acts 22:3
Verse 40. Martha was cumbered about much serving. Was much distracted with the cares of the family, and providing suitably to entertain the Saviour. It should be said here that there is no evidence that Martha had a worldly or covetous disposition. Her anxiety was to pro- vide suitable entertainment for the Lord Jesus. As mistress of the family, this care properly devolved on her; and the only fault which can be charged on her was too earnest a desire to make such entertainment, when she might have sat with Mary at his feet, and, perhaps, too much haste and fretfulness in speaking to Jesus about Mary.

Dost thou not care, &c. This was an improper reproof of our Lord, as if he encouraged Mary in neglecting her duty. Or perhaps Martha supposed that Mary was sitting there to show him the proper expressions of courtesy and kindness, and that she would not think it proper to leave him without his direction and permission. She therefore hinted to Jesus her busy employments, her need of the aid of her sister, and requested that he would signify his wish that Mary should assist her.

Verse 41. Thou art careful. Thou art anxious.

Troubled. Disturbed, distracted, very solicitous.

Many things. The many objects which excite your attention in the family. This was probably designed as a slight reproof, or a tender hint that she was improperly anxious about those things, and that she should, with Mary, rather choose to hear the discourses of heavenly wisdom.

(r) "thou art" Mk 4:19, Lk 21:34, 1Cor 7:32,35
Verse 42. But one thing is needful. That is, religion, or piety. This is eminently and peculiarly needful. Other things are of little importance. This should be secured first, and then all other things will be added. See 1Timm 4:8; Mt 6:33.

That good part. The portion of the gospel; the love of God, and an interest in his kingdom. She had chosen to be a Christian, and to give up her time and affections to God.

Which shall not be taken away. God will not take away his grace from his people, neither shall any man pluck them out of his hand, Jn 10:28,29.

From this interesting narrative we learn--

1st. That the cares of this life are dangerous, even when they seem to be most lawful and commendable. Nothing of a worldly nature could have been more proper than to provide for the Lord Jesus and supply his wants. Yet even for this, because it too much engrossed her mind, the Lord Jesus gently reproved Martha. So a care for our families may be the means of our neglecting religion and losing our souls.

2nd. It is of more importance to attend to the instructions of the Lord Jesus than to be engaged in the affairs of the world. The one will abide for ever; the other will be but for a little time.

3rd. There are times when it is proper to suspend worldly employments, and to attend to the affairs of the soul. It was proper for Mary to do it. It would have been proper for Martha to have done it. It is proper for all--on the Sabbath and at other occasional seasons --seasons of prayer and for searching the word of God--to suspend worldly concerns and to attend to religion.

4th. If attention to religion be omitted at the proper time, it will always be omitted. If Mary had neglected to hear Jesus then, she might never have heard him.

5th. Piety is the chief thing needed. Other things will perish. We shall soon die, All that we can gain we must leave. But the soul will live. There is a judgment-seat; there is a heaven; there is a hell; and all that is needful to prepare us to die, and to make us happy forever, is to be a friend of Jesus, and to listen to his teaching:

6th. Piety is the chief ornament in a female. It sweetens every other virtue; adorns every other grace; gives new loveliness to the tenderness, mildness, and grace of the female character. Nothing is more lovely than a female sitting at the feet of the meek and lowly Jesus, like Mary; nothing more unlovely than entire absorption in the affairs of the world, like Martha. The most lovely female is she who has most of the spirit of Jesus; the least amiable, she who neglects her soul--who is proud, gay, thoughtless, envious, and unlike the meek and lowly Redeemer. At his feet are peace, purity, joy. Everywhere else an alluring and wicked world steals the affections and renders us vain, gay, wicked, proud, and unwilling to die.

(s) "one thing" Ps 27:4, Eccl 12:13, Mk 8:36, Lk 18:22, 1Cor 13:3
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