Matthew 10:18-20

Verse 18. And ye shall be brought, etc. This prediction was completely and abundantly fulfilled, Acts 5:26, 12:1-4, 23:33, 16:1,28,30. Peter is said to have been brought before Nero, John before Domitian, Roman emperors; and others before Parthian, Scythian, and Indian kings. They were to stand there to bear a testimony against them; or, as it might be rendered, to them. That is, they were to be witnesses to them of the great facts and doctrines of the Christian religion; and if they rejected Christianity they would be witnesses against them in the day of judgment. The fulfillment of this prophecy is a signal evidence that Christ possessed a knowledge of the future, few things were more improbable when this was uttered than that the fishermen of Galilee would stand before the illustrious and mighty monarchs of the East and the West.

(l) "And ye shall" Acts 24:1-25:27
Verses 19,20. Take no thought. That is, be not anxious, or unduly solicitous. Mt 6:26. God would inspire them. This was a full promise that they should be inspired, and was a most seasonable consolation. Poor, and ignorant, and obscure fishermen would naturally be solicitous what they should say before the great men of the earth. Eastern people regarded kings as raised far above common mortals: as approaching to divinity. How consoling, then, the assurance that God would aid them, and speak within them!

(m) "But when" Mk 13:11, Lk 12:11, 21:14,15
Verse 20. Mt 10:19
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