Matthew 12:38

Verses 38-42. We would see a sign from thee. See Lk 11:16, 29-32. A sign commonly signifies a miracle; that is, a sign that God was with the person, or had sent him. Comp. Is 7:11. Luke adds that this was done tempting him trying him, doubting if he had the power to do it. If these persons had been present with him for any considerable time, they had already seen sufficient proofs that he was what he pretended. They might have been, however, those who had recently come; and then the emphasis must be laid on "we." We, as well as the others, would see a proof that thou art the Christ. In either case it was a temptation. If they had not seen him work a miracle, yet they should have believed it by testimony. Comp. Jn 20:29. Perhaps the emphasis is to be laid on the words from heaven. They might profess not to doubt that his miracles were real, but they were not quite satisfactory. They were desirous of seeing something, therefore, that should clear up their doubts, where there could be no opportunity for dispute. A comet, or lightning, or thunder, or sudden darkness, or the gift of food raining upon them, they supposed would be decisive. Perhaps they referred in this to Moses. He had been with God amidst thunders and lightnings; and he had given them manna--bread from heaven-- to eat. They wished Jesus to show some miracle equally undoubted.

(k) "sign from thee" Mt 16:1, 1Cor 1:22

John 6:30

Verse 30. What sign showest thou? On the word sign compare Is 7:14. What miracle dost thou work to prove that thou art the Messiah? They had just seen the miracle of the loaves in the desert, which was sufficient to show that he was the Messiah, and it would seem from the preceding narrative that those who crossed the lake to see him supposed that he was the Christ. It seems wonderful that they should so soon ask for farther evidence that he was sent from God; but it is not improbable that this question was put by other Jews, rulers of the synagogue, who happened to be present, and who had not witnessed his miracles. Those men were continually asking for signs and proofs that he was the Messiah. See Mt 12:38,39, Mk 8:11, Lk 9:29. As Jesus claimed the right of teaching them, and as it was manifest that he would teach them differently from what they supposed Moses to teach, it was natural to ask him by what authority he claimed the right to be heard.

(n) "sign?" Mt 12:38, 1Cor 1:22
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