Matthew 19:18

Verses 18,19. In reply to the inquiry of the young man, Jesus directed him to the sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, and fifth, Ex 20:12-16 as containing the substance of the whole--as containing particularly what he intended to show him that he had not kept. Mt 5:21, Mt 5:27.

Not steal. To steal is to take the property of another without his knowledge or consent.

Bear false witness. Give testimony contrary to truth. This may be done in a court of justice, or by private or public slander. It means, to say things of another which are not true.

Honour thy father, etc. That is,

1st. obey them, keep their commands, Co 3:20, Eph 6:1,2,3.

2nd. Respect them, show them reverence.

3rd. Treat their opinions with regard--not despise them, or ridicule them.

4th. Treat their habits with respect. They may be different from ours; may be antiquated, and to us strange, odd, or whimsical; but they are the habits of a parent, and they are not to be ridiculed.

5th. Provide for them when sick, weary, old, and infirm. Bear with their weakness, comply with their wishes, speak to them kindly, and deny ourselves of rest, and sleep, and ease, to promote their welfare. To this he added another--the duty of loving our neighbour, Lev 19:18.

This Christ declared to be the second great commandment of the law, Mt 22:39. A neighbour means,

1st, any person who lives near to us.

2nd. Any person with whom we have dealings.

3rd. A friend or relative, Mt 5:43.

4th. Any person--friend, relative, countryman, or foe, Mk 12:31. Any person who does us good, or confers a favour on us, Lk 10:27-37. This commandment means evidently,

1st. that we should not injure our neighbour in his person, property, or character.

2nd. That we should not be supremely selfish, and should seek to do him good.

3rd. That in a case of debt, difference, or debate, we should do what is right, regarding his interest as much as our own, and not being influenced by a love of self.

4th. That we should treat his character, property, etc., as we do our own, according to what is right.

5th. That in order to benefit him we should practise self-denial, or do as we would wish him to do to us, Mt 7:12. It does not mean,

1st. that the love of ourselves, according to what we are, or according to truth, is improper. The happiness of myself is of as much importance as that of any other man; and it is as proper that it should be sought.

2nd. It does not mean that I am to neglect my own business to take care of my neighbour's. My happiness, salvation, health, and family, are committed peculiarly to myself; and, provided I do not interfere with my neighbour's rights, or violate my obligations to him, it is my duty to seek the welfare of my own as my first duty, 1Timm 5:8; Tit 2:5.

Mark adds to these commandments, "Defraud not;" by which he meant, doubtless, to express the substance of this, to love our neighbour as ourself. It means, literally, to take away the property of another by violence, or by deceiving him: thus showing that he is not loved as we love ourselves.

(m) "shalt do" Ex 20:13, De 5:17
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