Matthew 26:6

Verse 6. In Bethany. Mt 21:1.

Simon the leper Simon who had been a leper.

Leper. Mt 8:2. It was unlawful to eat with persons that had the leprosy; and it is more than probable, therefore, that this Simon had been healed--perhaps by our Lord himself. Mt 12:1 says, that this was the house where Lazarus was, who had been raised from the dead. Probably Lazarus was a relative of Simon's, and was living with him. He farther says that they made Jesus a supper, and that Martha served. John says that this was six days before the passover. From the order in which Matthew and Mark mention it, it would have been supposed that it was but two days before the passover, and after the cleansing of the temple. But it is to be observed,

(1.) that Matthew and Mark often neglect the exact order of the events that they record.

(2.) That they do not affirm at what time this was. They leave it indefinite, saying that while Jesus was in Bethany he was anointed by Mary.

(3.) That Matthew introduced it here for the purpose of giving a connected account of the conduct of Judas. Judas murmured at the waste of the ointment, Jn 12;4 and one of the effects of his indignation, it seems, was to betray his Lord.

Mark 14:3

Verse 3. Ointment. This word does not convey quite the proper meaning. This was a perfume: it was used only to give a pleasant odour, and was liquid.

Of spikenard. The nard, from which this perfume was made, is a plant of the East Indies, with a small slender stalk, and a heavy, thick root. The best perfume is obtained from the root, though the stalk and fruit are used for that purpose.

And she brake the box. This may mean no more than that she broke the seal of the box. so that it could be poured out. Boxes of perfumes are often sealed, or made fast with wax, to prevent the perfume from escaping. It was not likely that she would break the box itself when it was unnecessary; and when the unguent, being liquid, would have been wasted, when it was very precious. Nor from a broken box or phial, could she easily have poured it on his head.

John 11:2

Verse 2. It was that Mary, &c. Mt 26:6, Lk 7:36, also on Lk 7:37-50

(b) "which anointed the Lord" Mk 14:3, Jn 12:3
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