Titus 2:3-5

Verse 3. The aged women likewise. Not only those who may have the office of deaconnesses, but all aged females.

That they be in behaviour as becometh holiness. Marg., holy women. The Greek word is not found elsewhere in the New Testament. It means appropriate to a sacred place or person, or becoming to religion. Their conduct should be such as the gospel requires.

Not false accusers. Marg., make-bates. Gr., διαβολους, the word commonly applied to the devil--as the accuser. See it explained 1Timm 3:11, where it is rendered slanderers.

Not given to much wine. 1Timm 3:3.

Teachers of good things. That is, instructing the younger--whether their own children, or whether they sustain the office of deaconess, and are appointed to give instruction to younger females. Comp. 1Timm 5:2-6.

(2) "holiness" "holy women" (3) "false accusers" "makebates"
Verse 4. That they may teach the young women to be sober. Marg., wise --a word similar to that which in Tit 2:2 is rendered temperate, and in 1Timm 3:2, sober. The meaning is, that they should instruct them to have their desires and passions well regulated, or under proper control.

To love their husbands, φιλανδρους. This word occurs nowhere else in the New Testament. In Eph 5:25, Paul directs husbands to love their wives, and in Eph 5:33, the wife to reverence her husband, and here he says that it should be one of the first duties enjoined on the wife that she should love her husband. All happiness in the marriage relation is based on mutual love. When that departs, happiness departs. No wealth or splendour in a dwelling--no gorgeousness of equipage or apparel-- no magnificence of entertainment or sweetness of music--and no forms of courtesy and politeness, can be a compensation for the want of affection. Mutual love between a husband and wife will diffuse comfort through the obscurest cottage of poverty; the want of it cannot be supplied by all that can be furnished in the palaces of the great.

To love their children. Nature prompts to this, and yet there are those so depraved that they have no maternal affection. Rom 1:31. Religion reproduces natural affection when sin has weakened or destroyed it, and it is the design of Christianity to recover and invigorate all the lost or weakened sensibilities of our nature.

(b) "the young women" 1Timm 5:14 (4) "sober" "wise"
Verse 5. To be discreet. The same word rendered in Tit 2:2, temperate, and explained in Tit 2:4.

Chaste. Pure--in heart, and in life.

Keepers at home. That is, characteristically attentive to their domestic concerns, or to their duties in their families. A similar injunction is found in the precepts of the Pythagoreans-- τανγαρ γυναικαδειοικουρενκαιενδονμενεν. See Creuzer's Symbolik, iii. 120. This does not mean, of course, that they are never to go abroad, but they are not to neglect their domestic affairs; they are not to be better known abroad than at home; they are not to omit their own duties, and become "busy-bodies" in the concerns of others. Religion is the patron of the domestic virtues, and regards the appropriate duties in a family as those most intimately connected with its own progress in the world. It looks benignly on all which makes home a place of contentment, intelligence, and peace. It does not flourish when domestic duties are neglected; and whatever may be done abroad, or whatever self-denial and zeal in the cause of religion may be evinced there, or whatever call there may be for the labours of Christians there, or however much good may be actually done abroad, religion has gained nothing, on the whole, if, in order to secure these things, the duties of a wife and mother at home have been disregarded. Our first duty is at home, and all other duties will be well performed just in proportion as that is.

Good. In all respects, and in all relations. To a wife, a mother, a sister, there can be no higher characteristic ascribed, than to say that she is good. What other trait of mind will enable her better to perform her appropriate duties of life? What other will make her more like her Saviour?

Obedient to their own husbands. Eph 5:22, seq. Col 3:18.

That the word of God be not blasphemed. That the gospel may not be injuriously spoken of (Mt 9:3,) on account of the inconsistent lives of those who profess to be influenced by it. The idea is, that religion ought to produce the virtues here spoken of, and that when it does not, it will be reproached as being of no value.

(*) "blasphemed" "evil spoken of"
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