Revelation of John 16:15

These consolatory words of Christ seem to be inserted here for the support of the faithful servants of God, against those great preparations of the enemy in the day of battle.

Behold, says Christ, I then come as a thief, secretly, suddenly, and unexpectedly, to destroy these enemies when they least expect me; and then I am at hand to take vengeance on them, and to deliver my church when they least think of me: Blessed is he that watcheth, namely, against those temptations which he will be then exposed to: and keepeth his garments, that is, his profession unspotted from sin, and the defilements of antichrist; lest he walk naked, that is, appear as a man destitute of uprightness and sincerity; and they see his shame, which ever follows upon a sinful course.

Note here, 1. That when Christ comes, he comes suddenly, even as a thief cometh.

2. That although Christ comes suddenly, and as a thief; yet he is pleased to give us warning of his coming: Behold, I come.

3. That when Christ's coming is near at hand, there is danger that many for want of watchfulness will lose their garments.

4. That is, to such as through negligence shall lose their garments, this misery will befall them; they shall walk naked, and men shall see their shame.

5. That those few who watch and keep their garments, are certainly in a happy and blessed condition: Blessed is he that watcheth and keepeth his garments.

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