1 Corinthians 11:10

10Therefore, a woman ought to have a sign of authority on her head, because of the Angels.
11:10The veil or headcovering is a symbol if the order in creation, which includes Angels as well as men. For even among the Angels, there is order and levels of authority. The Angels are not all the same, they do not all have the same role, and some Angels have authority over other Angels. The holy Angels are offended when women pray without a headcovering, or when women take roles which God intends only for men. For the holy Angels keep to their proper places and are obedient to those Angels in authority over them. But the fallen angels rebelled by disobedience and by refusing to accept Christ as their head, as someone with authority over them; and so they destined themselves for Hell. Women who refuse to wear a veil, or who dress like a man, or who take a man’s role, are being disobedient to Christ and are disrespecting their head, repeating in miniature the same fault of disobedience and disrespect that caused some Angels to fall from grace. When the holy Angels see such disorder and disobedience by women towards their head, they remember the fall of the disobedient angels and they cringe.(Conte)
11:10 A power: that is, a veil or covering, as a sign that she is under the power of her husband: and this, the apostle adds, because of the angels, who are present in the assemblies of the faithful.(Challoner)
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