Ezra 2:63

63And the cupbearer
2:63 cupbearer Athersatha means cupbearer, or more literally, he who is permitted to drink. this term refers to Nehemiah (cf. Nehemiah 10:1) because he was permitted to drink from the king’s wine, ordinarily considered sacrilegious by devout Jews.(Conte)
said to them that they should not eat from the Holy of Holies, until there would arise a priest, learned and perfect.
2:63 learned and perfect The term in Latin ‘doctus atque perfectus’ is a loose translation into Latin of the Hebrew ‘Urim’ and ‘Thummim’ which are obscure terms apparently referring to a means (akin to casting lots) of determining the will of God. A priest who could effectively use such lots to determine the will of God was considered particularly insightful.(Conte)

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