Genesis 18:6

6Abraham hurried into the tent to Sarah, and he said to her, “Quickly, mix together three measures of the finest wheat flour
18:6 wheat flour The word ‘sata’ refers to something that is cultivated, as opposed to grain that is wild. There is also a strong implication that it was cultivated locally, that is, by the servants of Abraham; it was not bought, but home-grown. This could be translated as ‘home-grown wheat flour,’ but it is usually translated as ‘the finest wheat flour,’ since wheat has a strong symbolic connection to the Eucharist, the finest Sacrament.(Conte)
and make loaves baked under the ashes.”
18:6 baked ... ashes The word ‘subcinericios’ probably refers to an ancient type of heat retention cooking, where loaves were placed under the ashes of a fire to bake.(Conte)
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