Hosea 3:1

The prophet is commanded again to love an adulteress; to signify God’s love to the synagogue. The wretched state of the Jews for a long time, till at last they shall be converted.

1And the Lord said to me: “Go yet again, and love a woman, beloved by a friend, yet an adulteress, for so does the Lord love the sons of Israel, yet they look to strange gods, and love the seeds of grapes.”
3:1The phrase ‘mulierem dilectam amico et adulteram’ implies that this woman has committed adultery with the husband of a woman who is her close friend.(Conte)
3:1The ‘seeds of grapes’ (the skins and seeds of grapes left over from wine-making) can be used to make a hard liquor drink (grappa).(Conte)
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