Matthew 19:26

26But Jesus, gazing at them, said to them: “With men, this is impossible. But with God, all things are possible.”
19:26It is often said, by the foolish, that the camel in this saying is literally a camel, and that the ‘eye of a needle’ is a particular gate into the city of Jerusalem. They claim that Jesus was only referring to getting a camel through that small gateway, when he expressed how hard it is for the wealthy to enter the kingdom of God. But even though that gateway is narrow, it is not too difficult to get a camel through it. Perhaps it happened on a near daily basis. If this was the meaning of the saying, then it would not seem too difficult for the wealthy to enter heaven, and the disciples would be foolish to say ‘Then who will be able to be saved?’ And again, if so, then Jesus would not have said that it was impossible for men. So the saying has another meaning. It is a literal expression of the miraculous power of God. For a wealthy person to be saved, apart from the infinite mercy of God is impossible, nearly as impossible as literally passing a camel through the eye of a needle. But both acts can be done by the power of God.(Conte)

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