Revelation of John 8:11

11And the name of the star is called Wormwood. And a third part of the waters were turned into wormwood. And many men died from the waters, because they were made bitter.
8:11This star burning like a torch refers to the radioactive fallout from certain nuclear weapons (those made using plutonium or uranium) used in World War IV (the Sixth Seal). Radioactivity from nuclear weapons takes time to rise up into the upper atmosphere, to circulate around the world, and then to fall slowly to earth. Once this occurs, during and after World War IV, radioactivity will be found in the oceans, especially the Atlantic, and on the land. However, the main source of the radioactivity at this time is the events of the first two Trumpets. The fires caused by the first Trumpet raise radioactive material from the land into the atmosphere, where it is next removed from the atmosphere by rain. Thus it makes numerous sources of water unusable. Then the second Trumpet strikes the ocean, causing a huge quantity of ocean water, with its radioactivity, to be raised up into the atmosphere. Again, it falls back to the earth’s surface in rainwater. As a result, very many human lives will be lost, due to the radioactivity in the water.(Conte)

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