Ruth 1:9

9May he grant you to find rest in the houses of the husbands, whom you will obtain by lot.” And she kissed them. They lifted up their voice, and began to weep,
1:9The word sortiturae is hard to translate because it refers to the idea that one obtains something by chance or good fortune, but also under the Providence of God. The expression “obtain by lot” is metaphorical; women did not cast lots to obtain husbands. Notice that the word virorum or vir is used to mean husband. The word vir is related to the word virtus, meaning strength or virtue. Though the word vir is often used to mean man or husband, it is also somewhat complimentary in nature, since it is related to the word virtus. This is analogous to the English word gentleman; it refers to a man in a somewhat complimentary fashion. The word used to simply refer to a man without such a built-in compliment is homo (singular) or homines (plural).(Conte)
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