1 Corinthians 14:1


We should earnestly desire spiritual gifts; but prophesying is to be preferred, because it is superior to the gift of tongues, 1Cor 14:1, 1Cor 14:2. Prophesying defined, 1Cor 14:3. How to regulate this supernatural gift of tongues, in teaching for the edification of the Church, 1Cor 14:4-13. In praying and giving thanks, 1Cor 14:14-17. Those who speak with tongues should interpret that others may be edified, 1Cor 14:18-22 What benefit may accrue from this in the public assemblies, 1Cor 14:23-28. How the prophets or teachers should act in the Church, 1Cor 14:29-33. Women should keep silence in the church, 1Cor 14:34, 1Cor 14:35. All should be humble, and every thing should be done in love, 1Cor 14:36-40.

Verse 1

Follow after charity - Most earnestly labor to be put in possession of that love which beareth, believeth, hopeth, and endureth all things. It may be difficult to acquire, and difficult to retain this blessed state, but it is essential to your present peace and eternal happiness. This clause belongs to the preceding chapter.

Desire spiritual gifts - Ye are very intent on getting those splendid gifts which may add to your worldly consequence, and please your carnal minds - but labor rather to get the gifts of God's Spirit, by which ye may grow in grace, and be useful to others - and particularly desire that ye may prophesy - that ye may be able to teach and instruct others in the things of their salvation.
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