1 Kings 11:1


Solomon's attachment to strange women, and consequent idolatry, 1Kgs 11:1, 1Kgs 11:2. Number of his wives and concubines, 1Kgs 11:3. In his old age they turn away his heart from God, 1Kgs 11:4. He builds temples to idols, burns incense and sacrifices to them, 1Kgs 11:5-8. The Lord is angry with him, and threatens to deprive him of the kingdom, but will leave one tribe for David's sake, 1Kgs 11:9-13. The Lord stirs up Hadad, the Edomite, to be his enemy; the history of this man, 1Kgs 11:14-22. He stirs another adversary against him, Rezon the son of Eliadah. He and Hadad plague Israel, 1Kgs 11:23-25. Jeroboam also becomes his enemy, and the reason why, 1Kgs 11:26-28. Ahijah the prophet meets Jeroboam, and promises, in the name of the Lord, that God will rend Israel from the family of Solomon, and give him ten tribes, 1Kgs 11:29-39. Solomon, hearing of this, seeks to put Jeroboam to death, who escapes to Egypt, where he continues till the death of Solomon, 1Kgs 11:40. Solomon dies, after having reigned over Israel forty years; and his son Rehoboam reigns in his stead, 1Kgs 11:41-43.

Verse 1

Many strange women - That is, idolaters; together with the daughter of Pharaoh: she was also one of those strange women and an idolater. But many think she became a proselyte to the Jewish religion; of this there is no evidence.
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