1 Kings 19:1


Ahab tells Jezebel what Elijah had done; she is enraged, and threatens to take away his life, 1Kgs 19:1, 1Kgs 19:2. He leaves Jezreel, and comes to Beer-sheba, and thence to the wilderness, where he is fed and encouraged by an angel, 1Kgs 19:3-9. His complaint and the vision by which God instructs him, 1Kgs 19:10-14. He is sent to Damascus, in order to anoint Hazael king over Syria, and Jehu king over Israel, 1Kgs 19:15-18. He meets with Elisha, who becomes his servant, 1Kgs 19:19-21.

Verse 1

Ahab told Jezebel - Probably with no evil design against Elijah.
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