1 Kings 5:1


Hiram, king of Tyre, sends to congratulate Solomon on his accession to the kingdom, 1Kgs 5:1. Solomon consults him on building a temple for the Lord, and requests his assistance, 1Kgs 5:2-6. Hiram is pleased and specifies the assistance which he will afford, 1Kgs 5:7-9. He sends cedars and fir trees, 1Kgs 5:10. The return made by Solomon, 1Kgs 5:11. They form a league, 1Kgs 5:12. Solomon makes a levy of men in Israel to prepare wood and stones, 1Kgs 5:13-18.

Verse 1

Hiram king of Tyre - It must have been at the beginning of Solomon's reign that these ambassadors were sent; and some suppose that the Hiram mentioned here is different from him who was the friend of David; but there seems no very solid reason for this supposition. As Hiram had intimate alliance with David, and built his palace, 2Sam 5:11, he wished to maintain the same good understanding with his son, of whose wisdom he had no doubt heard the most advantageous accounts; and he loved the son because he always loved the father, for Hiram was ever a lover of David.
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