1 Peter 5:10-11

Verse 10

But the God of all grace - The Fountain of infinite compassion, mercy, and goodness. Mohammed has conveyed this fine description of the Divine Being in the words with which he commences every surat or chapter of his Koran, two excepted; viz.;

Bismillahi arrahmani arraheemi.

Of which the best translation that can be given is that of the apostle, In the name of the God of all grace; the God who is the most merciful and the most compassionate, who is an exuberant Fountain of love and compassion to all his intelligent offspring.

Who hath called us - By the preaching of the Gospel.

Unto his eternal glory - To the infinite felicity of the heavenly state.

By Christ Jesus - Through the merit of his passion and death, by the influence of his Holy Spirit, by the precepts of his Gospel, and by the splendor of his own example.

After that ye have suffered a while - Ολιγον παθοντας· Having suffered a little time; that is, while ye are enduring these persecutions, God will cause all to work together for your good.

Make you perfect - Καταρτισει, στηριξει, σθενωσει, θεμελιωσει· All these words are read in the future tense by the best MSS. and versions.

He will make you perfect. - Καταρτισει· Put you in complete joint as the timbers of a building.

Stablish - Στηριξει· Make you firm in every part; adapt you strongly to each other, so that you may be mutual supports, the whole building being one in the Lord.

Strengthen - Σθενωσει· Cramp and bind every part, so that there shall be no danger of warping, splitting, or falling.

Settle - Θεμελιωσει· Cause all to rest so evenly and firmly upon the best and surest foundation, that ye may grow together to a holy temple in the Lord: in a word, that ye may be complete in all the mind that was in Christ; supported in all your trials and difficulties; strengthened to resist and overcome all your enemies; and after all abide, firmly founded, in the truth of grace. All these phrases are architectural; and the apostle has again in view the fine image which he produced 1Pet 2:5 (note).
Verse 11

To him - The God of all grace, be glory - l honor and praise be ascribed, and dominion - e government of heaven, earth, and hell, for ever - rough time, and ever - rough eternity. Amen - be it, so let it be, and so it shall be. Amen and Amen!
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