1 Samuel 13:10-12

Verse 10

Behold, Samuel came - Samuel was punctual to his appointment; one hour longer of delay would have prevented every evil, and by it no good would have been lost. How often are the effects of precipitation fatal!
Verse 11

And Saul said - Here he offers three excuses for his conduct:

1. The people were fast leaving his standard.

2. Samuel did not come at the time, למועד lemoed; at the very commencement of the time he did not come, but within that time he did come.

3. The Philistines were coming fast upon him.

Saul should have waited out the time; and at all events he should not have gone contrary to the counsel of the Lord.
Verse 12

I forced myself - It was with great reluctance that I did what I did. In all this Saul was sincere, but he was rash, and regardless of the precept of the Lord, which precept or command he most evidently had received, 1Sam 13:13. And one part of this precept was, that the Lord should tell him what he should do. Without this information, in an affair under the immediate cognizance of God, he should have taken no step.
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