2 Corinthians 8:16-22

Verse 16

But thanks be to God - He thanks God who had already disposed the heart of Titus to attend to this business; and, with his usual address, considers all this as done in the behalf of the Corinthian Church; and that though the poor Christians in Judea are to have the immediate benefit, yet God put honor upon them in making them his instruments in supplying the wants of others. He who is an almoner to God Almighty is highly honored indeed.
Verse 17

He accepted the exhortation - I advised him to visit you and excite you to this good work, and I found that he was already disposed in his heart to do it; God put this earnest care in the heart of Titus for you, 2Cor 8:16.
Verse 18

The brother, whose praise is in the Gospel - Who this brother was we cannot tell; some suppose it was St. Luke, who wrote a gospel, and who was the companion of St. Paul in several of his travels; others think it was Silas; others, Barnabas; others, Mark; and others, Apollos. Neither ancients nor moderns agree in either; but Luke, John, and Mark, seem to have the most probable opinions in their favor. Whoever the person was he was sufficiently known to the Corinthians, as we learn by what the apostle says of him in this place.
Verse 19

Chosen of the Churches to travel with us - Χειροτονηθεις· Appointed by a show of hands; from χειρ the hand, and τεινω, to extend. This appointment, by the suffrage of the Churches, seems to refer more to St. Luke than any one else; unless we suppose he refers to the transaction, Act 15:40, Act 15:41, and then it would appear that Silas is the person intended.

With this grace - Liberal contribution. See on 2Cor 8:1 (note).

Your ready mind - Your willingness to relieve them. But, instead of ὑμων, your, ἡμων, our, is the reading of almost all the best MSS. and all the versions. This is, doubtless, the reading.
Verse 20

Avoiding this, that no man should blame us - Taking this prudent caution to have witnesses of our conduct, and such as were chosen by the Churches themselves, that we might not be suspected of having either embezzled or misapplied their bounty, See the note on 1Cor 16:4.
Verse 21

Providing for honest things - Taking care to act so as not only to be clear in the sight of God, but also to be clear in the sight of all men; avoiding even the appearance of evil. I wish the reader to refer to the excellent note on 1Cor 16:4 (note), which I have extracted from Dr. Paley.
Verse 22

We have sent with them - Titus and, probably, Luke, our brother, probably Apollos.

Now much more diligent - Finding that I have the fullest confidence in your complete reformation and love to me, he engages in this business with alacrity, and exceeds even his former diligence.
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