2 Corinthians 8:6-8

Verse 6

That we desired Titus - Titus had probably laid the plan of this contribution when he was before at Corinth, according to the direction given by the apostle, 1Cor 16:1, etc.

The same grace - Liberality. See the note on 2Cor 8:1.
Verse 7

As ye abound in every thing - See the note on 1Cor 1:5. In faith, crediting the whole testimony of God; in utterance, λογῳ, in doctrine, knowing what to teach: knowledge of God's will, and prudence to direct you in teaching and doing it; in diligence, to amend all that is wrong among you, and to do what is right; and in love to us, whom now ye prize as the apostles of the Lord, and your pastors in him.

Abound in this grace also - Be as eminent for your charitable disposition as ye are for your faith, doctrine, knowledge, diligence, and love.
Verse 8

I speak not by commandment - I do not positively order this; I assume no right or authority over your property; what you devote of your substance to charitable purposes must be your own work, and a free-will offering.

The forwardness of others - Viz. the Churches of Macedonia, which had already exerted themselves so very much in this good work. And the apostle here intimates that he takes this opportunity to apprise them of the zeal of the Macedonians, lest those at Corinth, who excelled in every other gift, should be outdone in this. Their own honor, if better motives were absent, would induce them to exert themselves, that they might not be outdone by others. And then, as they had professed great love for the apostle, and this was a service that lay near his heart, they would prove the sincerity of that professed love by a liberal contribution for the afflicted and destitute Jewish Christians.
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