2 Kings 2:1


Elijah, about to be taken up to heaven, goes in company with Elisha from Gilgal to Beth-el, 2Kgs 2:1, 2Kgs 2:2. Thence to Jericho, 2Kgs 2:3-5. And thence to Jordan, 2Kgs 2:6, 2Kgs 2:7. Elijah smites the waters with his mantle; they divide, and he and Elisha pass over on dry ground, 2Kgs 2:8. Elijah desires Elisha to ask what he should do for him; who requests a double portion of his spirit, which is promised on a certain condition, 2Kgs 2:9, 2Kgs 2:10. A chariot and horses of fire descend; and Elijah mounts, and ascends by a whirlwind to heaven, 2Kgs 2:11. Elisha gets his mantle, comes back to Jordan, smites the waters with it, and they divide, and he goes over, 2Kgs 2:12-14. The sons of the prophets see that the spirit of Elijah rests on Elisha, 2Kgs 2:15. They propose to send fifty men to seek Elijah, supposing the Spirit of the Lord might have cast him on some mountain or valley; after three days' search, they return not having found him, 2Kgs 2:16-18. The people of Jericho apply to Elisha to heal their unwholesome water, 2Kgs 2:19. He casts salt into the spring in the name of Jehovah, and the water becomes wholesome, 2Kgs 2:20-22. Forty-two young persons of Bethel, mocking him, are slain by two she-bears, 2Kgs 2:23, 2Kgs 2:24. He goes to Carmel, and returns to Samaria, 2Kgs 2:25.

Verse 1

When the Lord would take up Elijah - It appears that God had revealed this intended translation, not only to Elijah himself, but also to Elisha, and to the schools of the prophets, both at Beth-el and Jericho, so that they were all expecting this solemn event.
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