2 Kings 5:11

Verse 11

Naaman was wroth - And why? Because the prophet treated him without ceremony; and because he appointed him an expenseless and simple mode of cure.

Behold, I thought - God's ways are not as our ways; he appoints that mode of cure which he knows to be best. Naaman expected to be treated with great ceremony; and instead of humbling himself before the Lord's prophet, he expected the prophet of the Lord to humble himself before him! Behold I thought; - and what did he think? Hear his words, for they are all very emphatic: -

1. "I thought, He will surely come Out to Me. He will never make his servant the medium of communication between Me and himself.

2. And stand - present himself before me, and stand as a servant to hear the orders of his God.

3. And call on the name of Jehovah his God; so that both his God and himself shall appear to do me service and honor.

4. And strike his hand over the place; for can it be supposed that any healing virtue can be conveyed without contact? Had he done these things, then the leper might have been recovered."
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