Acts 10:17-22

Verse 17

While Peter doubted - the men - stood before the gate - In all this we find an admirable display of the economy of Providence. Cornelius prays, and has a vision which prepares him to receive instruction from Peter: Peter prays, and has a vision which prepares and disposes him to give instruction to Cornelius. While he is in doubts and perplexity what the full meaning of the vision might be, the messengers, who had been despatched under the guidance of an especial Providence, came to the door; and the Holy Spirit gives him information that his doubts should be all cleared up by accompanying the men who were now inquiring for him. How exactly does every thing in the conduct of Providence occur; and how completely is every thing adapted to time, place, and occasion! All is in weight, measure, and number. Those simple occurrences which men snatch at, and press into the service of their own wishes, and call them providential openings may, indeed, be links of a providential chain, in reference to some other matter; but unless they be found to speak the same language in all their parts, occurrence corresponding with occurrence, they are not to be construed as indications of the Divine will in reference to the claimants. Many persons, through these misapprehensions, miscarrying, have been led to charge God foolishly for the unsuccessful issue of some business in which their passions, not his providence, prompted them to engage.
Verse 21

Which were sent unto him from Cornelius - This clause is wanting in almost every MS. of worth, and in almost all the versions.

Behold, I am he whom ye seek - A sudden, unexpected speech, like the address of Aeneas to Dido; when the cloud in which he was involved suddenly dissipated, and he appeared with the exclamation, - coram, quem quaeritis, adsum!

Aen. lib. i. 595.

What is the cause therefore ye are come? - He still did not know the full import of the vision; but being informed by the Holy Spirit that three men were seeking him, and that he should go with them, without scruple, he instantly obeyed; and finding them at the door, desired to know why they sought him.
Verse 22

Cornelius the centurion, etc. - They gave him the simple relation which they had received from their master. For the character of Cornelius, see the comment on Act 10:2 (note).

To hear words of thee - But of what kind they could not as yet tell.
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