Deuteronomy 14:1


The Israelites are not to adopt superstitious customs in mourning, Deu 14:1, Deu 14:2. The different kinds of clean and unclean animals, vv. 3-20. Nothing to be eaten that dieth of itself, Deu 14:21. Concerning offerings which, from distance cannot be carried to the altar of God, and which may be turned into money, Deu 14:22-26. The Levite is not to be forsaken, Deu 14:27. The third year's tithe for the Levite, stranger, widow, etc., Deu 14:28, Deu 14:29.

Verse 1

Ye are the children of the Lord - The very highest character that can be conferred on any created beings; ye shall not cut yourselves, i. e., their hair, for it was a custom among idolatrous nations to consecrate their hair to their deities, though they sometimes also made incisions in their flesh.
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