Esther 8:1


Ahasuerus invests Mordecai with the offices and dignities possessed by Haman, Est 8:1, Est 8:2. Esther begs that the decree of destruction gone out against the Jews may be reversed, Est 8:3-6. He informs her that the acts that had once passed the kings seal cannot be reversed; but he instructs her and Mordecai to write other letters in his name, and seal them with his seal, and send them to all the provinces in the empire, giving the Jews full liberty to defend themselves; which is accordingly done; and the letters are sent off with the utmost speed to all the provinces: in consequence, the Jews prepare for their own defense, Est 8:8-14. Mordecai appears publicly in the dress of his high office, Est 8:15. The Jews rejoice in every place; and many of the people become Jews, because the fear of the Jews had fallen upon them, Est 8:16, Est 8:17.

Verse 1

The king - give the house of Haman - As Haman was found guilty of treasonable practices against the peace and prosperity of the king and his empire, his life was forfeited and his goods confiscated. And as Mordecai had been the means of preserving the king's life, and was the principal object of Haman's malice, it was but just to confer his property upon him, as well as his dignity and office, as Mordecai was found deserving of the former, and fit to discharge the duties of the latter.
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