Exodus 12:1


The month Abib is to be considered as the commencement of the year, Exo 12:1, Exo 12:2. The Passover instituted; the lamb or kid to be used on the occasion to be taken from the flock the tenth day of the month, and each family to provide one, Exo 12:3, Exo 12:4. The lamb or kid to be a male of the first year without blemish, Exo 12:5. To be killed on the fourteenth day, Exo 12:6, and the blood to be sprinkled on the side posts and lintels of the doors, Exo 12:7. The flesh to be prepared by roasting, and not to be eaten either sodden or raw, Exo 12:8, Exo 12:9; and no part of it to be left till the morning, Exo 12:10. The people to eat it with their loins girded, etc., as persons prepared for a journey, Exo 12:11. Why called the Passover, Exo 12:12. The blood sprinkled on the door posts, etc., to be a token to them of preservation from the destroying angel, Exo 12:13. The fourteenth day of the month Abib to be a feast for ever, Exo 12:14. Unleavened bread to be eaten seven days, Exo 12:15. This also to be observed in all their generations for ever, Exo 12:17-20. Moses instructs the elders of Israel how they are to offer the lamb and sprinkle his blood, and for what purpose, Exo 12:21-23. He binds them to instruct their children in the nature of this rite, Exo 12:24-27. The children of Israel act as commanded, Exo 12:28. All the first-born of Egypt slain, Exo 12:29, Exo 12:30. Pharaoh and the Egyptians urge Moses, Aaron, and the Israelites to depart, Exo 12:31-33. They prepare for their departure, and get gold, silver, and raiment from the Egyptians, Exo 12:34-36. They journey from Rameses to Succoth, in number six hundred thousand men, besides women and children, and a mixed multitude, Exo 12:37, Exo 12:38. They bake unleavened cakes of the dough they brought with them out of Egypt, Exo 12:39. The time in which they sojourned in Egypt, Exo 12:40-42. Different ordinances concerning the Passover, Exo 12:43-49; which are all punctually observed by the people, who are brought out of Egypt the same day, Exo 12:50, Exo 12:51.
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