Ezekiel 2:3-5

Verse 3

Son of man - This appellative, so often mentioned in this book, seems to have been given first to this prophet; afterwards to Daniel; and after that to the Man Christ Jesus. Perhaps it was given to the two former to remind them of their frailty, and that they should not be exalted in their own minds by the extraordinary revelations granted to them; and that they should feel themselves of the same nature with those to whom they were sent; and, from the common principle of humanity, deeply interest themselves in the welfare of their unhappy countrymen. To the latter it might have been appropriated merely to show that though all his actions demonstrated him to be God, yet that he was also really Man; and that in the man Christ Jesus dwelt all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. When the acts of Christ are considered, it is more easy to believe his eternal Godhead, than to be convinced that the person we hear speaking, and see working, is also a man like unto ourselves.

I send thee to the children of Israel - To those who were now in captivity, in Chaldea particularly; and to the Jews in general, both far and near.
Verse 4

Thou shalt say unto them, Thus saith the Lord - Let them know that what thou hast to declare is the message of the Lord, that they may receive it with reverence.

Every preacher of God's word should take heed that it is God's message he delivers to the people. Let him not suppose, because it is according to his own creed or confession of faith, that therefore it is God's word. False doctrines and fallacies without end are foisted on the world in this way. Bring the creed first to the Word of God, and scrupulously try whether it be right; and when this is done, leave it where you please; take the Bible, and warn them from God's word recorded there.
Verse 5

Yet shall know that there hath been a prophet among them - By this they shall be assured of two things:

1. That God in his mercy had given them due warning.

2. That themselves were inexcusable, for not taking it.
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