Galatians 4:8-11

Verse 8

When ye knew not God - Though it is evident, from the complexion of the whole of this epistle, that the great body of the Christians in the Churches of Galatia were converts from among the Jews or proselytes to Judaism; yet from this verse it appears that there were some who had been converted from heathenism; unless we suppose that the apostle here particularly addresses those who had been proselytes to Judaism and thence converted to Christianity; which appears to be most likely from the following verses.
Verse 9

Now, after that ye have known God - After having been brought to the knowledge of God as your Savior.

Or rather are known of God - Are approved of him, having received the adoption of sons.

To the weak and beggarly elements - After receiving all this, will ye turn again to the ineffectual rites and ceremonies of the Mosaic law - rites too weak to counteract your sinful habits, and too poor to purchase pardon and eternal life for you? If the Galatians were turning again to them, it is evident that they had been once addicted to them. And this they might have been, allowing that they had become converts from heathenism to Judaism, and from Judaism to Christianity. This makes the sense consistent between the 8th and 9th verses.
Verse 10

Ye observe days - Ye superstitiously regard the Sabbaths and particular days of your own appointment;

And months - New moons; times - festivals, such as those of tabernacles, dedication, passover, etc.

Years - Annual atonements, sabbatical years, and jubilees.
Verse 11

I am afraid of you - I begin now to be seriously alarmed for you, and think you are so thoroughly perverted from the Gospel of Christ, that all my pains and labor in your conversion have been thrown away.
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