Judges 13:1


The Israelites corrupt themselves, abut are delivered into the hands of the Philistines forty years, Jdg 13:1. An Angel appears to the wife of Manoah, foretells the birth of her son, and gives her directions how to treat both herself and her child, who was to be a deliverer of Israel, Jdg 13:2-5. She informs her husband of this transaction, Jdg 13:6, Jdg 13:7. Manoah prays that the Angel may reappear; he is heard, and the Angel appears to him and his wife, and repeats his former directions concerning the mother and the child, Jdg 13:8-14. Manoah presents an offering to the Lord, and the Angel ascends in the flame, Jdg 13:15-20. Manoah is alarmed, but is comforted by the judicious rejections of his wife, Jdg 13:21-23. Samson is born, and begins to feel the influence of the Divine Spirit, Jdg 13:24, Jdg 13:25.

Verse 1

Delivered them into the hand of the Philistines - It does not appear that after Shamgar, to the present time, the Philistines were in a condition to oppress Israel, or God had not permitted them to do it; but now they have a commission, the Israelites having departed from the Lord. Nor is it evident that the Philistines had entirely subjected the Israelites, as there still appears to have been a sort of commerce between the two people. They had often vexed and made inroads upon them, but they had them not in entire subjection; see Jdg 15:11.
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