John 21:12-14

Verse 12

Come and dine - Δευτε αριϚησατε. Though this is the literal translation of the word, yet it must be observed that it was not dinner time, being as yet early in the morning, Joh 21:4; but Kypke has largely shown that the original word is used by Homer, Xenophon, and Plutarch, to signify breakfast, or any early meal, as well as what we term dinner. It might perhaps appear singular, otherwise it would be as agreeable to the use of the Greek word, to have translated it, come and breakfast.

Durst ask him - Ever since the confession of Thomas, a proper awe of the Deity of Christ had possessed their minds.
Verse 13

And giveth them - Eating likewise with them, as Luke expressly says: Luk 24:43.
Verse 14

This is now the third time - That is, this was the third time he appeared unto the apostles, when all or most of them were together. He appeared to ten of them, Joh 20:19; again to eleven of them, Joh 20:26; and at this time to seven of them, Joh 21:2. But, when the other evangelists are collated, we shall find that this was the seventh time in which he had manifested himself after he arose from the dead. 1st. He appeared to Mary of Magdala, Mar 16:9; Joh 20:15, Joh 20:16. 2ndly, To the holy women who came from the tomb. Mat 28:9. 3dly, To the two disciples who went to Emmaus, Luk 24:13, etc. 4thly, To St. Peter alone, Luk 24:34. 5thly, To the ten, in the absence of Thomas, Joh 20:19. 6thly, Eight days after to the eleven, Thomas being present; Joh 20:26. 7thly, To the seven, mentioned in Joh 21:2; which was between the eighth and fortieth day after his resurrection. Besides these seven appearances, he showed himself, 8thly, To the disciples on a certain mountain in Galilee, Mat 28:16.

If the appearance mentioned by St. Paul, 1Cor 15:6, to upwards of 500 brethren at once - if this be not the same with his appearance on a mountain in Galilee, it must be considered the ninth. According to the same apostle, he was seen of James, 1Cor 15:7, which may have been the tenth appearance. And, after this, to all the apostles, when, at Bethany, he ascended to heaven in their presence. See Mar 16:19, Mar 16:20; Luk 24:50-53; Act 1:3-12; 1Cor 15:7. This appears to have been the eleventh time in which he distinctly manifested himself after his resurrection. But there might have been many other manifestations, which the evangelists have not thought proper to enumerate, as not being connected with any thing of singular weight or importance.
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