John 6:69

Verse 69

We believe - On the authority of thy word; and are sure - have known, εγνωκαμεν, by the evidence of thy miracles, that thou art the Christ, the promised Messiah. And we belyfath and witen that thu eart Crist Godes Son. Anglo-Saxon. How near is the mother to the daughter tongue!

Instead of Christ the Son of the living God, some excellent MSS., BCDL, and others, read ὁ αγιος του Θεου, the holy one of God; and this reading Griesbach has received into the text, leaving out του ζωντος, the living. Χριστος, and ἁγιος convey nearly the same meaning; but the Ethiopic, as usual, retains both. Του ζωντες is omitted by BCDL, H, the Coptic, Sahidic, Armenian, later Persic, Vulgate, all the Itala but one, and by the Anglo-Saxon; which last Griesbach has not noticed.
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