Luke 10:1


Christ appoints seventy disciples to go before him, two by two, to preach, heal, etc., Luk 10:1-12. Pronounces woes on Chorazin and Capernaum, Luk 10:13-16. The seventy return, and give account of their mission, Luk 10:17-20. Christ rejoices that the things which were hidden from the wise and prudent had been revealed unto babes, and shows the great privileges of the Gospel, Luk 10:21-24. A lawyer inquires how he shall inherit eternal life, and is answered, Luk 10:25-29. The story of the good Samaritan, Luk 10:30-37. The account of Martha and Mary, Luk 10:38-42.

Verse 1

The Lord appointed other seventy - Rather, seventy others, not other seventy, as our translation has it, which seems to intimate that he had appointed seventy before this time, though, probably, the word other has a reference to the twelve chosen first: he not only chose twelve disciples to be constantly with him; but he chose seventy others to go before him. Our blessed Lord formed every thing in his Church on the model of the Jewish Church; and why? Because it was the pattern shown by God himself, the Divine form, which pointed out the heavenly substance which now began to be established in its place. As he before had chosen twelve apostles, in reference to the twelve patriarchs, who were the chiefs of the twelve tribes, and the heads of the Jewish Church, he now publicly appointed (for so the word ανεδειξεν means) seventy others, as Moses did the seventy elders whom he associated with himself to assist him in the government of the people. Exo 18:19; Exo 24:1-9. These Christ sent by two and two:

1. To teach them the necessity of concord among the ministers of righteousness.

2. That in the mouths of two witnesses every thing might be established. And,

3. That they might comfort and support each other in their difficult labor. See on Mar 6:7 (note).

Several MSS. and versions have seventy-two. Sometimes the Jews chose six out of each tribe: this was the number of the great Sanhedrin. The names of these seventy disciples are found in the margin of some ancient MSS., but this authority is questionable.
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