Luke 22:19

Verse 19

Took bread - See the nature and design of the Lord's Supper explained in the notes on Mat 26:26-29 (note).

This do in remembrance of me - That the Jews, in eating the passover, did it to represent the sufferings of the Messiah, as evident from the tract Pesachim, fol. 119, quoted by Schoettgen.

Why do we call this the great hallel? (i.e. the hymn composed of several psalms, which they sung after the paschal supper). Ans. Because in it these five things are contained:

1. The exodus from Egypt.

2. The dividing of the Red Sea.

3. The promulgation of the law.

4. The resurrection of the dead. And,

5. The sufferings of the Messiah.

The first is referred to, Psa 114:1, When Israel went out of Egypt, etc.

The second in Psa 114:3, The sea saw it and fled.

The third in Psa 114:4, The mountains skipped like rams, etc.

The fourth in Psa 116:9, I will walk before the Lord in the land of the living.

The fifth in Psa 115:1, Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but unto thy name give glory; for thy mercy and thy truth's sake. See the note on Mat 26:30.
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