Luke 22:7-18

Verse 7

The passover - Πασχα, Luk 22:1, is the name of the festival; το πασχα here is supposed to be the name of that on which they feasted, viz. the sacrificed paschal lamb. But see the notes on Matthew 26 (note), and especially the observations at the end of that chapter, (Mat 26:75 (note)).
Verse 8

He sent Peter and John, etc. - See the subject of these verses largely explained on Mat 26:17-19 (note), and Mar 14:13, Mar 14:15 (note).
Verse 14

And when the hour was come - That is, the evening. See Mat 26:20, and Mar 14:17.
Verse 15

With desire I have desired - A Hebraism for, I have desired most earnestly. Our Lord's meaning seems to be, that, having purposed to redeem a lost world by his blood, he ardently longed for the time in which he was to offer himself up. Such love did the holy Jesus bear to the human race. This eucharistic passover was celebrated once, by way of anticipation, before the bloody sacrifice of the victim of salvation, and before the deliverance it was appointed to commemorate; as the figurative passover had been likewise once celebrated before the going out of Egypt, and the deliverance of God's chosen people. Quesnel.
Verse 16

Until it be fulfilled in the kingdom of God - That is, until that of which the passover is a type is fulfilled in my death, through which the kingdom of God, or of heaven, (See Mat 3:2), shall be established among men.
Verse 17

He took the cup - This was not the sacramental cup, for that was taken after supper, Luk 22:20, but was the cup which was ordinarily taken before supper.

Divide it among yourselves - Pass the cup from one to another; thus the cup which Christ gave to the first person on his right hand continued to be handed from one to another, till it came to the last person on his left.
Verse 18

I will not drink of the fruit of the vine - That is, before the time of another passover, the Holy Ghost shall descend, the Gospel of the kingdom be established, and the sacramental supper shall take place of the paschal lamb; for in a few hours his crucifixion was to take place. See on Mat 26:29 (note).
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