Matthew 11:1


Christ, having finished his instructions to his disciples, departs to preach in different cities, Mat 11:1. John sends two of his disciples to him to inquire whether he were the Christ, Mat 11:2-6. Christ's testimony concerning John, Mat 11:7-15. He upbraids the Jews with their capriciousness, Mat 11:16-19. The condemnation of Chorazin, and Bethsaida, and Capernaum, for their unbelief and impenitence, Mat 11:20-24. Praises the Divine wisdom for revealing the Gospel to the simple-hearted, Mat 11:25, Mat 11:26. Shows that none can know God but by the revelation of his Son, Mat 11:27. Invites the distressed to come unto him, and gives them the promise of rest for their souls, Mat 11:29-30.

Verse 1

This verse properly belongs to the preceding chapter, from which it should on no account be separated; as with that it has the strictest connection, but with this it has none.

To teach and to preach - To teach, to give private instructions to as many as came unto him; and to preach, to proclaim publicly, that the kingdom of God is at hand; two grand parts of the duty of a Gospel minister.

Their cities - The cities of the Jews.
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