Numbers 12:1


Miriam and Aaron raise a sedition against Moses, because of the Ethiopian woman he had married, Num 12:1, and through jealousy of his increasing power and authority, Num 12:2. The character of Moses, Num 12:3. Moses, Aaron, and Miriam are suddenly called to the tabernacle, Num 12:4. The Lord appears in the pillar of the cloud, and converses with them, Num 12:5. Declares his purpose to communicate his will to Moses only, Num 12:6-8. His anger is kindled against Miriam, and she is smitten with the leprosy, Num 12:9, Num 12:10. Aaron deplores his transgression, and entreats for Miriam, Num 12:11, Num 12:12. Moses intercedes for her, Num 12:13. The Lord requires that she be shut out of the camp for seven days, Num 12:14. The people rest till she is restored, Num 12:15, and afterwards leave Hazeroth, and pitch in the wilderness of Paran, Num 12:16.

Verse 1

Miriam and Aaron spake against Moses - It appears that jealousy of the power and influence of Moses was the real cause of their complaint though his having married an Ethiopian woman-האשה הכשית haishshah haccushith - That Woman, the Cushite, probably meaning Zipporah, who was an Arab born in the land of Midian - was the ostensible cause.
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