Philippians 3:19

Verse 19

Whose end is destruction - This is the issue of their doctrine and of their conduct. They are here described by three characters:

1. Their god is their belly - they live not in any reference to eternity; their religion is for time; they make a gain of godliness; and live only to eat, drink, and be merry.

2. Their glory is in their shame - they lay it down as a proof of their address, that they can fare sumptuously every day, in consequence of preaching a doctrine which flatters the passions of their hearers.

3. They mind earthly things - their whole study and attention are taken up with earthly matters; they are given to the flesh and its lusts; they have no spirituality, nor do they believe that there is or can be any intercourse between God and the souls of men. But their lasciviousness and uncleanness seem to be principally intended. See Kypke.

Despicable as these men were, the apostle's heart was deeply pained on their account:

1. Because they held and taught a false creed;

2. Because they perverted many by that teaching; and,

3. Because they themselves were perishing through it.
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