Psalms 115:9-13

Verse 9

O Israel - The body of the Jewish people.
Verse 10

O house of Aaron - All the different classes of the priesthood.
Verse 11

Ye that fear the Lord - All real penitents, and sincere believers, trust to the Lord, in the almighty, omniscient, and infinitely good Jehovah.

He is their help and shield - He is the succor, support, guardian, and defense of all who put their confidence in him.
Verse 12

The Lord hath been mindful - He has never yet wholly abandoned us to our enemies.

He will bless the house of Israel - He will bless the people as a nation; he will bless the priesthood and Levites; he will bless all of them who fear him, great and small, in whatsoever station or circumstances found. There is a great deal of emphasis in this verse: several words are redoubled to make the subject the more affecting. I give a literal translation: - Psa 115:12 "The Lord has been mindful of us he will bless the house of Israel; she will bless the house of Aaron. Psa 115:13 He will bless them that fear Jehovah, the small with the great. Psa 115:14 Jehovah will add upon you, upon you and upon all your children. Psa 115:15 Blessed are ye of the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. Psa 115:16 The heavens of heavens are the Lord's: but the earth he hath given to the sons of Adam."

Jehovah is absolute Master of the universe. He has made the heavens of heavens, and also the earth; and this he gives to the children of Adam. When he exiled him from paradise, he turned him out into the earth, and gave it to him and his sons for ever, that they might dress, till, and eat of its produce all their days.
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