Revelation of John 3:1


The epistle to the Church of Sardis, Rev 3:1-6. The epistle to the Church of Philadelphia, Rev 3:7-13. The epistle to the Church of Laodicea, Rev 3:14-22.

Epistle to the Church at Sardis

Verse 1

The seven Spirits, of God - See the note on Rev 1:4, Rev 1:16 (note), etc.

Thou hast a name that thou livest - Ye have the reputation of Christians, and consequently of being alive to God, through the quickening influence of the Divine Spirit; but ye are dead - ye have not the life of God in your souls, ye have not walked consistently and steadily before God, and his Spirit has been grieved with you, and he has withdrawn much of his light and power.
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