Revelation of John 7:9-12

Verse 9

A great multitude - This appears to mean the Church of Christ among the Gentiles, for it was different from that collected from the twelve tribes; and it is here said to be of all nations, kindreds, people, and tongues.

Clothed with white robes - As emblems of innocence and purity. With palms in their hands, in token of victory gained over the world, the devil, and the flesh.
Verse 10

Salvation to our God - That is, God alone is the author of the salvation of man; and this salvation is procured for and given to them through the Lamb, as their propitiatory sacrifice.
Verse 11

All the angels, etc. - As there is joy in the presence of God among these holy spirits when one sinner repents, no wonder that they take such an interest in the gathering together of such innumerable multitudes who are fully saved from their sins.
Verse 12

Saying, Amen - Giving their most cordial and grateful assent to the praises attributed to God and the Lamb.

Blessing, and glory, etc. - There are here seven different species of praise attributed to God, as in Rev 5:12 (note).
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